The Evolution of Modularity: How The Concept is Taking the IT Industry by Storm
Date posted: August 6, 2014 Posted by Stephen C. MadaffariIn the IT industry, speed, efficiency and size rules. Consumers today are “hypertech-savvy,” owning a combination of smart phones, tablets, laptops, desktop computers and gaming consoles. Society’s reliance on these many methods for transferring data is climbing at an alarmingly exponential rate and shows no signs of slowing down. Fueled by this data boom demand, businesses face mounting pressures to find ways to be more nimble and cost-efficient with their data storage options. It’s no wonder then why the concept of data center modularity has taken hold in recent years as a viable method for building additional space capacity and infrastructure.
Modularity offers a number of benefits including speed of deployment, predictable costs from quote to billing, energy and waste efficiency, and scalability. Adapting to the technological advances that best address data industry demands is critical to staying competitive in an ever-evolving market. Those who don’t adapt quickly, fail.
A handful of years ago, modular data center construction was not a common option. In fact, many builders and designers argued against it, citing design restrictions and an inability to customize infrastructure for the owner’s needs. Today, we know that to be false. Or rather, contrarian. Through modular, we are far more accommodating of owners’ specific design needs than other options. In fact, we’ve gone so far as to form partnerships with former competitors and various other suppliers, product manufacturers, and IT engineers to ensure that planning and design meets all of the owner’s specifications before any further steps are taken.
As a result, the data center industry soon began to see the many benefits of customized modular design and construction. In traditional viral fashion, the media initially took notice of this new concept in the industry, spurred by curiosity for a new solution to the data capacity demand. As knowledge about modularity spread, owners began to consider it for their own needs and drove the conversation forward. Soon enough, all the major IT service companies were offering some form of modularity in their customer packages. Some built electrical and mechanical products and infrastructure that could be incorporated into pre-fabricated designs. Others specialized in modular design, construction or deployment. And still others, like us, specialized in all of the above.
As with any new and popular trend, customers soon faced new problems: how to know if modularity is right for their business, who to partner with in the development of the right modular data center design and when the right time is to implement their specific solution. Staying in sync with industry demands drives every business owner’s decision-making process. If you need help bridging the gap between what your business needs and how to get there, contact Data Centers Delivered today or browse our website to see previous projects we’ve completed. We’ve partnered with several business owners across a variety of industries to help them answer why modular data center design solutions make sense for their customers. We can help you too.