Havent found any one modular data center product or solution that fits the bill? Thats ok we can build it for you!
Data Centers Delivereds CustomCube solution provides custom-built, off-site, manufactured data centers that give you the predictability, customization, scalability, larger size and aesthetics of a field-built data center with the speed, flexibility and cost-containment of a factory built modular facility. To help achieve your goals, we partner with you to analyze the availability and feasibility of many different solutions for electrical infrastructure, white-space and cooling systems so you know you made the absolute best choice for your data needs. And we know you take pride in your companys campus, so CustomCube facilities are built to complement the aesthetics of your environment. Finally, with full control of how your modular data center is designed and what components are used, you can have your new data center up and running in a matter of weeks.
For more information on our CustomCube capabilities, to read about the University of Colorados Janus supercomputer, built by Data Centers Delivered.
to connect with Data Centers Delivered specialist today.