Pre-Fabricated Mechanical Infrastructure

Today’s data center challenges include “right sizing”, planning for future capacity, scale and matching capital spend to actual demand. Data Centers Delivered’s modular mechanical infrastructure helps our clients achieve this goal by designing, building and deploying only what is needed today while leaving options for the future open to new technologies or programming changes. Pre-fabricated mechanical systems deliver a repeatable, cost-effective solution that offers a turnkey completely housed & weatherproof mechanical package that can include chillers, pumps, heat exchangers, cooling towers, controls and security systems.
Design Capacity Range | Custom |
Tier Level | All |
Mechanical Configuration | Custom |
Mechanical Systems Available | Custom |
Pre-Fabricated Electrical “Skid” Infrastructure

Today’s data center challenges include “right sizing”, planning for future capacity, scale and matching capital spend to actual demand. Data Centers Delivered’s pre-fabricated electrical “skid” infrastructure helps our clients achieve this goal by designing, building and deploying only what is needed today while leaving options for the future open to new technologies or programming changes. Have a data center plan but short on space or want to build out your electrical infrastructure over time? Pre-fabricated electrical “skid” systems deliver a repeatable, cost-effective solution that offers a turnkey skid-mounted, electrical infrastructure package including switchboards, UPS, ATS, interconnecting wiring plus numerous levels of power redundancy to expand with you and your data growth strategy.
Design Capacity Range | Custom |
Tier Level | All |
UPS Configuration | Custom |
Mechanical Systems Available | Custom |

Have a data center plan but short on space or want to build out your electrical infrastructure over time? ECube delivers a replicable, cost-effective solution that offers a turnkey, completely-housed and weatherproofed electrical infrastructure package including switchboards, UPS, ATS, interconnecting wiring plus numerous levels of power redundancy to expand with you and your data growth management strategy.
Design Capacity Range | 100 to 1000 kW |
Tier Level | 2 |
UPS Configuration | 10 Minutes |
Mechanical Systems Available | Packaged DX Units |
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